Some shoe material suppliers

We have compiled a quick reference to some Marikina shoe material suppliers:

Most of these suppliers you can find on the Waze app. Best to come on a weekday and not during lunch time. Please note that Grand Hoya and Nation Shoe Supply are closed from 12pm to 2pm. 

Type of material Supplier Name Contact Details
Genuine leather & other components Otto (+632) 8647-1079
Genuine leather & other components Nation Shoe Supply (+632) 8646-2145
Genuine leather Grand Hoya (+632) 8948-7123
Genuine leather Leather World (+63910) 313-3320
Genuine leather Eman Leather Trading (+63999) 311-9978
Man-made leather & other components Pingping Shoe Supply

(+632) 8997-5199

(+63917) 523-66563


Man made leather Sangra Leather

(+632) 8646-7822

(+632) 8682-2020

Man-made leather K&B Marketing (+63917) 853-5738
Man-made leather Bambie's Leather Supply (+632) 646-6228
Heels and other components


PAM Trading

(+632) 475-0030

(+632) 369-5364

Outsoles and other components Betty Rose Commercial

(+632) 8998-1816

(+632) 8330-4316

Shoe components & other metal hardwares Marikina Trans-Asian (+632) 646-8870
Metal hardware, wax thread, etc. Metal Gallery (+63917) 850-3833
Shared services (laser cutting, shoe last, etc) Philippine Footwear Federation Inc. (+632) 8942-4228


Want to learn more? Check out the Learn the Business page for workshops and other learning tools. 
You can also check here to know how to start your shoe business with us now.


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